Tex Avery is known famously in animation history for his trademark wacky, slapsticky cartoon shorts he directed and produced working for such studios as MGM, Warner Bros, Walter Lantz Studios, Paramount, and even Hanna-Barbera. He is also credited with creating such cartoon character icons as Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, Droopy Dog, Screwy Squirrel, and was instrumental in developing Porky Pig and Chilly Willy.
But what many don’t know about him is that he also performed a number of (uncredited) character voices in various cartoons — mostly incidental characters, but he filled in for Bill Thompson as Droopy, voiced recurring characters Junior (from the George & Junior bear shorts) and Willoughby the dog, and Avery’s own notorious belly laugh can be heard in several classic cartoons.
To learn more about Avery’s life and career, read animation historian/director/producer Greg Ford’s astoundingly comprehensive biographical article, Tex Avery: Arch-Radicalizer of the Hollywood Cartoon.