My most humble apologies to my faithful readers for the lack of regular updates in the last two weeks, but I’ve been considerably overbooked with gigs recently — most notably with a recurring voice-over gig for an internet project (which I contractually can’t discuss until it launches… hopefully in the very near future), and working on the set of “Drop Dead Diva” as a background performer playing a paralegal type — it’s extras work, but work nevertheless. And I’m booked for the entire first season which shoots through August, and for anyone interested the show premieres July 12th on LifeTime.
In the meantime, I’ve been left with zero free time for my online activities, which has my e-mail inbox backed up with over 900 new messages which will take me some time to sort through before I can get back to posting here regularly again. But I will do my best to make time for 1-2 daily posts going forward, and I will make the greatest effort to give forewarning for any future periods of inactivity.
But despite my inactivity of late, I’m still averaging around 50 views a day, so for the growing number of new readers out there… Welcome! And thanks again to my regular readers for being patient with me while I’m “taking care of business.”