The very last print edition of Anime Insider (April 2009, issue #67) includes an interview with actor/singer/producer/director Jamie McGonnigal discussing his acting background, being an anime fan, favorite role, and offering advice for aspiring voice actors. Here’s an excerpt:
I was very lucky, and it doesn’t happen very often that you’re lucky like that and you just get the opportunity that kinda lands in your lap. In fact, usually you do the routine. You do the going into the studio and making a demo for yourself. Get the demo done, get out there, meet as many people as you can. Most of all, get the acting experience first. If you find yourself in the position that you’re going into an audition, you better make sure that you know how to do it, because you’re not going to get a second chance in a lot of cases. So make sure that you have experience under your belt. Do regional theater if you can, do community theater, do shows in school as much as you can, and just get the acting experience first, because it’s not just about making funny voices.
I was disappointed to read that a former editor relayed the news last month that Wizard Entertainment was shutting down production on the mag. I don’t watch much anime other than a few series that air on cable, but I still try to stay current with news related to anime voice talents, and Anime Insider has been faithful to include dozens of voice actors in their magazine by way of feature articles and their “Lip Service” column since publication started in 2001. I’m sorry to see it go.