Excerpt from the FOX press release:
THE CLEVELAND SHOW is a new animated series that follows everyone’s favorite soft-spoken neighbor CLEVELAND BROWN (Mike Henry) to his hometown in Virginia, as he settles down with his high school sweetheart, DONNA (Sanaa Lathan); her unruly kids; and his own 14-year-old son, Cleveland Jr. (Kevin Michael Richardson). Once in Virginia, Cleveland has a few surprises in store for him, including ROBERTA (Reagan Gomez-Preston), a rebellious new stepdaughter; RALLO (Mike Henry), a 5-year-old stepson who loves the ladies; and a collection of neighbors that includes a loudmouth redneck, LESTER (Kevin Michael Richardson); a hipster wanna-be, HOLT (guest voice Jason Sudeikis); and a pious pair of talking bears, TIM (Seth MacFarlane) and his wife ARIANNA (guest voice Arianna Huffington).
Rapper Kanye West is providing a guest voice for the series as “Kenny West — an all-around cool kid and the archenemy of Cleveland Jr., and the two will engage in a ‘rap battle’ for the affection of high school hottie Chanel,” performed by guest voice Taraji P. Henson (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Hustle and Flow).
Seth MacFarlane, Rich Appel and Mike Henry are executive producers and co-creators of the series.